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ฉันจะแก้ปัญหา เกมเด้งเมื่อเริ่มเกมได้อย่างไร

Is there any other way to get the latest version of the game without a time limit for people who do not have a patreon, perhaps the game will appear somewhere besides this site, for example steam?(please take my money)

Tks, I'm glad  you're enjoying the game. We'll launch it on steam when the game is not so early in development, right now it's still on version 0.1. Just follow us here and I'll make a big post when we launch it on steam ^___^

thank you so much!

(1 edit)

I'll be honest, this game hooked me from the first time I saw its visuals. And let me tell you that the lines and art elements are really beautiful, but there is a lack of smooth animation for now. 

As for future updates, I hope that this game will have an interesting storyline because I feel like there isn't much to Lore right now, but it's understandable that the game has just been launched for a short time. The last thing that I really hope to have is a soundtrack because, from the visuals and the atmosphere within the story, it is very suitable to have sound in the background. 

But no matter what the end result of the game is, I want to play the full version. And lastly, I wish you all happiness in making the game, good luck.

Thank you. Yes, there's no animation as of right now and no soundtrack. It will be implemented in the future.

Indeed, I'm focusing more on the setup to build the lore, none of the important characters have been introduced, and if they have their storyline hasn't. Ex: Lily the witch has a storyline, she's not just behind the counter saying "Hello, buy my potions." Heh... anyway, I'm glad you're enjoying it, come back to play it in a few weeks and I'm sure we'll have progressed a lot. Tks for taking your time to play this game ^_____^


Review of Patreon version

I played pretty extensively last night, playing all the way to Night 0 twice over! (Once trying to honor Helena's wishes of staying a good person by pursuing journalism, and the other throwing all caution out and going hard down the Prostitution path).

Your writing is very nice, really creating a connection with what Vesper is feeling and her general personality. I felt myself drawing myself toward what I knew were her preferred hobbies because she was so likable.

And the Vampire genre is a treat. I picked up on a few Vampire the Masquerade (or Vampire the Requiem) influences in the general dark and grimy tone, with a lovely general sense of dread.

The following might feel a bit like a barrage of negativity, since I back-loaded every recommendation and bug report, but nonetheless I'm signed up for the Patreon and will be sure to follow development!

Bug Reports:

Bug 1: Reloaded save, blood bag gone but hunger not fixed.

Further proof that players will optimize the fun out of a game, I got into the habit of spacing out my feedings as far as possible. So I would buy a blood bag from the witch, and drink it only when my Hunger was at 100% and Sanity at 80%. After drinking the blood bag, I would save. Bringing both down to reasonable levels.

Later, when I tried reloading those saves, the blood bag was consumed and gone, but the Hunger and Sanity were still as if blood hadn't been consumed, making the save salvageable.

Bug 2: Possibly just unreleased content, but Journalist and Bartender experience don't increase no matter how much those jobs are worked.

Bug 3: Ever Sleepy. Sometimes I would be forced to take the first activity Sleeping even when Rested. This typically followed several days of not resting, but Energy was kept by regularly using Study and Relax. I would also sometimes not be required to sleep despite having 100% exhaustion.

Bug 4: Missing pictures. CG gallery is completely blank.


I noticed there weren't any stat checks or activities associated with Strength. The one check that seems like it might be relevant (disarming the mugger) used Speed, as well. It might be easier to consolidate Strength and Speed into a single stat, calling it Physical or Athletics or Prowess.

The barrier of entry to a lot of activities (prostitution, seducing the guard, getting drunk) seems a bit high and ensures the first 10 days or so will be spent grinding up Lust points in order to pursue those routes. Removing the minimum lust requirement for the first stages (and reducing the cost of alcohol) would probably make the early game more enjoyable.

It's a little unclear of what (if any) stats affect job performance, or what decides how much money is earned from Journalism/Bartending. Transparency would help with planning.

A lot of the grind is pretty tiring. Every scene is exciting the first time you see it, but once you're required to see it 5 to 10 times in order to raise the stats enough to unlock the next scene, it gets tiring. Lowering stat requirements would help a lot with this, like having the Lust state increase on every 5th interval instead of every 10th, or having Alcoholic increase every time you max out drunkenness instead of every 5th time.

And can gun make a return? Gun was such a fun character, with an explosive personality!

Hello, thanks for your review. I'm glad you felt a connection to Vesper. Writing her is tough, but I think I'm going in the right direction. 

 It'll only get better once I start the main storyline, add endings, and introduce important characters.

The game is pretty early in development, so there is still a lot to work in terms of making the game balanced. I'll look into those bugs you mentioned and to try and make the game more enjoyable as well. Again, thanks for your support.

Will you make a steam version?Im interested in paying for the game but i don't have a credit card to pay for the patreon ;(

Icono de Validado por la comunidad

Hello, yes! In the future we'll make a steam version. Right now the game is too early in development to compete in the Steam library. But follow us here, and download the game from time to time, I'll keep uploading this build with new content, even if you  can't pay for the Patreon version it should still let you play 1/3 of the first playthrough. Thanks for taking your time to play it ^___^

Maaaan, will u make cheats on this thing? I wanted it so much.... 

Can it run on Android if joiplay is used? 


Nope, windows only for now. Soon I'll make an android build.

how do you become lilys pet?

get your lust to level 4 (naughty) by masturbating/buying lust potions/becoming a prostitute


This is making my circuits... Feel..... Damp?


I guess.. that's.... good? 

Not sure what I'm doing wrong but I can't to start the prostitute route

You need to have lust at level 1, just masturbate a little and it will go up. Or buy lust potions in the shop.



no problem :)

Just wondering, will there be a hunt option. Like killing people and becoming a monster type of choice in the future.

Yes! I'm adding a new location soon, the park, and I'll start the hunting mechanic there.

cool game but can you remove time limit

Patreon version doesn't have a time limit.


Just wanted to say, keep up the good work. I see these daily updates as someone with passion working actively on this game. Do remember to take care of yourself and I appreciate your hard work. Loving the game and it's style.



Also if we find any bugs do we report them here?


Is it possible to buy the full version on here?


Hello, Jaybay, tks for your interest. Nope, only on Patreon. You can buy it there and cancel the subscription if/when you're not happy with it.


I have had a few bad expreinces with Patron in the past, also part of me would rather just pay a larger amount now then pay all the little amounts


It seems some people are getting false positives because of the embedded .PCK within the .exe (which was to be expected). So I uploaded a .rar version with the separate .PCK. That should stop any virus or trojan warnings from windows defender. 

Question do you have plans to release it to another platform like android I was starting to try it but my pc died and I doubt I will get another one in the near future.

Please request the assistance of a techno-Necromancer.


Of course, I'm focusing on the PC version atm, but an android version is planned for the future. I'm sorry to hear about your PC, I had a laptop die on me in the past, it sucked.

Hi Devs, I am new to this platform. I just wanna ask, do I have to purchase every time a new update comes out?

Hey, man. Sent you an email explaining how it works.

Interesting game. But could you please make the instant text option do what it says. There is almost half a second delay for a three line text to fully appear.

I never understood why anyone would even think about displaying text like a karakoke sing along text. Just because it is possibly with computers? Do people really read at the front of the appearing text? That might be doable for very slow appearing text. But if it is reasonably fast, it distracts because of the apparant movement. And you cannot "prefetch" from the corner of the eyes, hindering reading speed. Our eyes move in jumps, not continously - and as a triva, many people are not aware of that fact, or that they are blind while the eyes move.

Sure, I'll fiddle with it, tks for the input :)


Tks for your input, next build the text is set as instant. Tell me what else bothers you in the future when you replay the game. Nobody complained about the text speed before so I didn't really think too much of it. :)

A history box or back button for displayed text would be nice.

There are engines that do not even have "instant" text. Which is kinda mind boggling, since "instant" text is the normality in computers. You have to take extra effort to display text not at once, but putting each word or letter after the next. Imagine a website displayed like that. Or any text document.

Are there really people wanting text displayed like this? I skimmed a bit on the net, and apparantly the majority sets this to instant, the instant they open any vn type game. So why is this even in games, and if so, why is the default not instant?

I would wanna bet, some famous early vns used that style and when the genre was popularized, they just copied that feature without thinking if that feature enhances the game. It is not, imho, it is distracting, for the simple reason of how our eyes move when we read text. While I am not a T-Rex, I do react to movement such as moving/appearing text. Maybe it was voiced vn and they had the text appear at the speed of the voice but the vn without voice acting did not change the feature. Some do utter some sound effects while the text appears.

Probably some idiosyncracy, like people using wasd with their pinky on shift, instead of resting position with index on f. I get cramps if I try to rest my pinky on shift with index on d. And I need the little bump on f to secure my position. There I believe the historical reason was some kind of keyboard barrier how many keys you could press at the same time and shift was counted extra, so they did not use esdf, but wasd to get access to that extra key.



Yeah, a backlog and save slots have been on my mind for a while. I'll add them in the near future.

Right now I'm focusing on adding content and polishing the things we have. Like adding other places to visit to actually spend the money you earn working. (Buying blood at the hospital doesn't make any sense, it was a temporary option since we don't have a shop yet.)

Tks for your comment and I hope you visit this game again in the future, I'm adding stuff daily ^__^

(1 edit) (+1)

Some activity icons disappear after a cutscene, I can't advance because of that


That's on purpose, you can either become a thief or a prostitute, it's two separate routes. 


Can I use renpy to play the game on my phone ?


I played the prostitution route and i went all the way to teasing but got stuck with only the first 2 guys.


I'll play it tonight to check and look at the code, tks.

(1 edit)

I have returned from the prostitution route

The only 2 noticeable bugs

-upon reaching 50%-65% lust, all of the prostitute options (bald guy, expose, etc) were reset except for the stranger and random person

-the surprise comeback option was clickable though nothing happened. Not sure it was intentional.

-the first kiss, isVirgin, and isHymenBroken status never changed despite what appears to be obvious. 

-money also became useless, but I'm assuming there will be a use for it later, like for toys. 

Other than that it was pretty much smooth sailing

(3 edits)

thank you so much for bug testing and reporting the problems, I'll look into that too when I'm debugging. Yeah, money balancing will be fixed, right now it's useless ^___^

surprise comeback is not implemented yep

ooooo Looks amazing! Cant wait for the mac download ver T-T <3 

(2 edits)

Just finished my run, very enjoyable can't for more!

Bug wise:

At level 3 of Journalist, it says you earn 1000-10000 dollars but when I checked after, the balance didn't change at all. This was at day 31 or so.

When I attempted the 2nd option for Deckard (the one after the lap dance) the game freezes or takes an infinitely long time to load

When failing the bribe for Deckard, the option to flash was available but not clickable which resulted in a game over.

After dancing for Deckard, it locked me out of doing the prostitute activity (Icon goes missing). Not sure if that was intentional. Around day 75-ish

Also, the first time initiating the dance caused it to freeze for a bit, but it was gone afterwards. 

Overall, 8/10. The game is beatable and fun despite the mentioned bugs and I was able to find work arounds when I encountered them.

I can't access any of the other tabs for the gallery except for prologue and either the loading is slow or that I have press the tab button in a certain spot before it responds.  

Upon achieving higher ranks for lust, I couldn't use those high rank options for Deckard. I'm not sure if it was supposed to be sequential like "you must do the 2nd option before proceeding to the 3rd" or not. 


Lust had strange level up gaps, not sure if intentional. The longest was getting from 20%-35%, the rest were gaps of 5-10%. 

Wasn't sure what some of the stats did like intelligence, charisma, and speed and there was no way to increase strength. 

The bartender activity was too detrimental for it to be worth doing over journalist.

The poor donkey never drove the 5 hours at the end of Lust.  

Maybe have a save file mechanic to prevent soft locking.

Anyhow, good shit and keep cooking!

Thank you, I'll check all of those for future reference. Some are easier to debug, some are harder, but the game right now lacks serious balancing. I didn't have time to play until day 90. 

I'm really glad you played it, and I'll come back to this post often when I'm coding to deal with all those problems.

- Oh, level 3 of journalist is probably using the default value I set for the text, I probably forgot to code it. 

-  2nd option for Deckard is probably missing files, we're changing that stuff quite a bit, I'll implement it today.

- I  disabled the option to show your tits to Deckard on purpose, I'm going to implement and enable it back today, the thumbnails are old/low quality, we're re-drawing them.

- Stealing blood from the hospital for the second time or becoming a Prostitute are two routes that lock each other. She emphasizes that in doing so the other activity will be locked.  

- I'll check the code, maybe I'm referencing something that doesn't exist anymore.

- Gallery is still being implemented :) 

- Yep, Deckard is all written down but I'm still implementing the scenes. 

- The attributes are still in their infant steps. Str, Intelligence, etc are not doing much. (Str should increase in an activity we still don't have (Boxing) )

- Lust has weird gaps indeed, I'll rethink the math.

- Bartender activity is badly coded atm, I have to balance it better. 

Gotcha thanks for the update!

Will there be any bondage content in the future?

Of course,  we have a whole sex dungeon prepared for Vesper. She has the option to become a witch's pet in exchange for blood. Ropes, spanking, choking, fisting, we've got it all. She's going to be treated like a slave, no mercy.

Sorry... I wrote it all, I think I got a little excited remembering it. At least I'm passionate about my work, huh... heheheh... I want to implement that soooo badly... tks for bringing it up.

Oh damn, I'm excited to see this bit! Gonna be one hell of a kinky plot! 

So i check the new update and all i see is a black screen and it keep crashing.

that's weird, I tested and retested it, maybe your firewall is blocking it? I uploaded a new version, try it out. Nobody else seems to be having that problem or they just didn't report it.

Okay i restarted my laptop and that fix the issue.

thanks for letting me know, I hope you enjoy your gameplay

Looking forward to more!

Thank you very much! ^______________^

Ima be honest i have no words for this game..... I just played the beginning of the prologue and im in absolute ~**LOVE**~....... This game might genuinely already be the best game has to offer!!! Im not even joking! I just finished the prologue and i quickly saved and i decided to play again tomorrow since it was late and i was tires af.... I cant play this game when im tired, i need the lore and i need to read the story! I wont be able to read when im tired af lol..... The story and art is so good i might never stop be able to stop slapping my meat.... Like im serious lmao. By the way.... If i find out your team (im guessing you have a team since this would take millions of years to finish alone) *if your doing this alone i will visit u while u sleep and kiss you and leave afterwards* but if i find out your team stops working on this game leaving it unfinished... That what happened in the prologue the girl getting kidnapped and getting tortured.... That will become reality.......

But until then, keep up the work!! Dont let us down! 🙂

(Im not gonna ask you to put new stuff into the game since ur probably already working on it👍)

Not gonna lie.... I might just use this as a wikipedia page lmao



Thank you very much for your comment. We are trying hard to bring  the best experience possible to all our players. This is just version 0.1.3, it's the beginning, to show the world we've got an idea and the means to execute it. There's a loooot to improve, so bear with us while we fight to finish all we have prepared.

We're a small team, but what we lack in numbers we have in determination. We've got a lot of donations already, that helps us to stay motivated. We're also launching a Patreon tomorrow, hopefully, our profile is still under review.

Yep, we're all working hard right now to bring you more content. Here's a sneak peek of what I'm working on, this is Vesper reminiscing about her life, while she waits for a client.

And here's the draft that I'm working on.

Then our artists will create the thumbnails (when they can), and I'll adapt it to fit the mood. 

We're posting everyday, so keep following our updates, and thanks again for your support, it's much much appreciated ^___________^

When buying blood and quickly returning home, the hunger scale does not have time to decrease and decreases only slightly

Thank you for the bug report! It's fixed. I'll upload a new build in some minutes.

It's fixed.

Are there plans to make an android version?


Yes! I also wanna play this on my cellphone. Once we get around to fixing the PC version I'll start making an android version. 

so whenever i end up prostituting even though text says that vesper drank blood and got paid the money and hunger bars arent effected is this a glitch or is it not yet implemented?

Thank you, I'll look into it right now and upload a fixed version.

I tested the random clients and it was working, but Special Clients weren't implemented with hunger and money, so I went ahead and implemented it, I hope that's the glitch you were talking about.

yeah it was cheers (side note are the cgs shown as previews unlockable in game yet (namely the two bj ones) also great game so far

This has a lot of great potential. excited for updates.

Also quick question, is the patreon link working right? 

All i see was a blank page on the website. Is this a new project just being started or something else.

Anyway, good luck on this.

Hello, I'm launching a new build in a few minutes increasing the time limit to 17 days to celebrate 1000+ downloads, and adding some new assets. Our Patreon is under review atm, but it should be up and running soon. Thank you very much for taking the time to comment ^___________________^

Strange. The patreon is non-existant.


We're still getting verified! Thank you very much for your support ^___^, I'll update you once they review us.


Are you going to add an android version? Some ppl here like me prefer to play this type of games on mobile phones so that's why I'm asking

Yep! Once we have enough features added on the PC version we'll add an android version. Thanks for your support ^____^

Great , I look forward to test your new game on android XD


Hi ! You know who I'm, so I hope this much talked game is good ! And I'm waiting for an Xbox 360 game version, I hope that you work hard bichonces.!


Hello, I had a question. Is there any way to save the game? I'm assuming yes since there's a load option at the main menu, have I missed something, or is it just not implemented yet

(2 edits) (-2)

Hello circuit! Thanks for playing our game ^_________^  . No, you haven't missed anything.

I disabled the load feature for this first version until I can test it extensively to avoid any game breaking bugs.

I'll enable it as soon as possible and update a devlog informing everyone.

Save game is implemented, download the new version if you want to test it :)


This game is fantastic so far. Its darker theme, with the main character investigating the disappearances of people and later discovering the existence of vampires, turning into one of them, and having to live as a bloodthirsty monster while trying to satisfy the insatiable blood hunger, makes the game really cool. The game mechanics are simple and focused on the story and events, making it easy to play and engaging. The artwork and the main character are also beautifully drawn. This game has shown great potential so far. Keep up the excellent work, man!

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

The game is wonderful, I would like to know if you have heavier fetishes in mind...?


Thank you, SamuraiSam! We're doing our best to make it great, I've personally fapped a thousand times to it already.

Yes! We have a sex dungeon already planned... if you so happen to fall into the witch's hand. I don't know how hard you want us to go, but I can say for sure fisting is among one of the fetishes.

If you want to make a list of what fetishes you'd like to see in the game comment here or post on our reddit: 

I'll ask our perverted programmer and story-teller... (myself), to implement at least one of them.


Wow this seems really nice. I'm loving the art so far. Will we be able to play the game as a lesbian? I really hope the mc will be able to defend herself from the attackers in the preview photos and anyone else as the story develops.

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Thank you for being the first one to comment on our game and following us!!!  We're very happy you're enjoying the art. 

As a token of appreciation, here's some sneak peeks of what's to come:

1) Will Vesper be able to play exclusively as a lesbian? 

YES! Meet one of Vesper's many possible girlfriends.

She has a thing for feet... 

2) Will she be able to defend herself from attackers?

If you train her attributes you'll have the option to defend yourself, unless you have deliberately put yourself in a bad situation or failed to raise her attributes.

Our main artist loves action scenes! So, expect a lot of punching and kicking once we've covered enough of the lewd scenes.



This sounds fantastic. I look forward to seeing how the game develops.

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