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(1 edit) (-1)

Hello, tell me how to start working as a camgirl

i have a weird bug were half the screen is just cut off it kinda makes it real difficult to play 

Hi, go to %appdata%/starhoundstudios/lust&hunger and delete the shader_cache folder. See if that helps.

i'm on pc


Somehow the game can't be played on Android? is there a trick?

I don't think so, I haven't had the time to make an android port yet. It'll come in the future once I have some spare time :)

I can use joyplay?

I love the art, can you please tell me who the artist is?


Nice art and interesting story! I just hope that the authors won't burn out due to such a high pace of updates. :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing the game and for your concern :) 

Don't worry, we're trying to slow down a little bit, doing updates every 2-4 days instead of every 1-3 days. I think it's a better pace to keep the team healthy and motivated.


Anybody knows about an emulator so i could run this game on Android 


)Hi, can you help me how to download it for android?


Nope were in the same boat 


Nope were in the same boat 


definitely keepin' my eyes on this game, it has a lot of promise and i look forward to seein' the finished product~

Would the game be free once it's fully completed or would there be a pricetag? :3


is the strip club a death sentence because you can't actually use it to feed? Kinda wish it gave ya a warning or something, or ya know. allowed me to still do other things.


1) because you can't actually use it to feed?

Hello, the strip club and all other routes are still under development, this game is only 2 months old.

So, "you can't use it to feed right now"

Sorry if this caused you any frustration, feeding there will be implemented soon. 

2) allowed me to still do other things.

You can still feed in the park, do all other events, buy blood from the witch's shop, visit the stores, work etc. 

I hope if you come back in the future the game is more to your liking ^____^


I would love this game to be on steam the story interest me. 

In the future it will be, right now it's still too early to compete there :) , tks for your interest.

You there aren't enough vampire games out there. 

(1 edit) (+1)

The game is still updating but boy oh boy at how speed!
Currently there are - if I'm not mistaken - four official routes you can choose. They aren't finished but you can see how much thoughts are put in here.

The only bug for me is that the Gallery doesn't seemed to work... but since it's 0.132 game this might change until 0.2 I think ^^

The visual - 10 from 10, AMAZING!
On Patreon you get updated quickly about the changes and I can't wait what more might happen soon.

Hello, tks for playing the game and taking  your time to comment. 

Yeah, I'm trying to upload as fast as possible. The CG gallery not showing up is not a bug, I disabled it 'cause I haven't had the time to implement it yet, once I finish a route I'll make it available with all the pictures.


Ahhh thank you for replying to my comment!

And good to know that the gallery thing isn't a bug ^^

(1 edit)

is there a way i can play everything because in this version of the game many choices r blurred out

hi, the latest version is on Patreon, the game is not completed, it's under development.

where can I get the paid full game?

is the LESBIAN route deep and good?


I love this game, I can't wait for the new updates to come and I want to say something to the developers, as a Turk I want to play this game in Turkish and if you want to make your game in Turkish I can help you

You can do it

God, it's beautiful. 

This is the first game in the last half a year that caused me an unusual feeling of chagrin from the fact that I didn't have enough. (the last one was Baldur's Gate 3 lol)

In my personal top, this game is exactly in the top 5 of all 18+ that there is. I'm looking forward to these ambitions that the game has. If you believe the checkboxes from the Status section, there are even more branches and passing options waiting for us. 

I want to believe that this is really a project that you are burning with and want to finish, and not just a "milking cow" for money. At first glance, this is not the case. I hope that this will continue to be the case.

This game gave me an indescribable feeling. I felt good. And no, I'm not describing my orgasm lol. It's something higher. The last time I enjoyed it so much was when I played "Not my body!". And Vesper now literally shares the first place with Aisha.

There are a couple of things that I noticed. For some reason, when choosing a random client in the whore's branch, the first time he pays + 50 money, then + 5. Is this option necessary for pumping, and not for earning money? Or are there any other criteria? I had to grind personal scenes to buy myself a drink and throw up in the toilet.

And I haven't quite figured out how to use an anal toy yet. I bought it, but Vesper never used it when jerking off. There are no options either...

I am really looking forward to the game in steam, I will definitely buy it. I would have supported it earlier, but payments to your active sites are not available in my country.

I also hope that there will be some kind of roadmap so that you can roughly understand what to expect from the game and how quickly it plans to develop.

Thank you for what you are doing. Please don't stop. I hope you finish this masterpiece.

Thanks for playing my game, I'm glad you're enjoying it ^___^

1) About the "milking cow" problem and 18+ games: yeah, I understand your concern. I see a lot of 18+ games that take way longer than they need and seem like they're getting nowhere, like an infinite milking machine. But, be sure that my end goal is to create a product competitive enough to publish on Steam, and I am trying to get there. Without the money from patrons we would've never been able to quit our jobs to focus entirely on this game. We are only 2 people: (Wyse) the programmer, PR, writer, gamedesigner, art director etc.. and (Zin) the lead artist. To produce art at this level and write something that can get a reaction from players... well, it's not easy. I wish I could snap my fingers and be done with it, but that's not how it works. We are on Discord, working our asses off everyday. 15+ hours a day. Everyone who subscribes gets Discord access and can chat with me whenever they wish to do so.

2) Random clients: They give you 50+ money and other amounts if you don't have 100% fatigue. If you try doing it at 100% fatigue it will give you almost no money. This is  to prevent players from just spamming the random clients without taking a rest. 

3) Anal tentacle: The masturbation option is not implemented yet. BUT, if after buying it you sleep in the evening or night, a scene can trigger with it (it's a 40% chance to trigger, so you might have to sleep multiple times.) There currently 4 different scenes with it.

 4) Roadmap: It's developing as quickly as humanly possible. I'm trying to focus right now on the things that take less time to implement. Once I have laid out the foundation for the game I'll start making small roadmaps letting people know what's coming next.

Again, tks for playing. I'd recommend you follow us on Patreon for free, and come back in a few weeks to play the game again. 

Thank you so much for your detailed response!

By the way, it's amazing that with such a small team you have such a level of quality. I haven't found any bugs yet. The visual style is very pleasing to the eye. I'm not a fan of girls with bangs, but I literally fell in love with Vesper's looks.

And the last question, is there a wardrobe system planned? And if so, is this just a set of outfits for general evaluations, or would you risk working through each scene for the current outfit? How it is done in Not my body.

I'm sorry to use another game as an example, it's just that your game literally reminds me of NMB. And now I'm a fan of yours too.

Yep, wardrobe function is planned. The first outfit will be implemented if/when we reach $2000 on Patreon as a milestone celebration ($110 left to reach it.) If we don't reach that... I'll do it anyway, just at a later time :P

We'll start replacing her clothes in the HUB, going through each scene would be chaos, 'cause we have 1000+ scenes where Vesper appears... imagine, a variant for each clothing... we would spend years replacing them. 

I have contradictory fealings with his game. On the one hand game is great, really I like it a lot, on the other hand the day limit ruins the whole game making it annoying and super unpleasant to play. 

Any chance you add a setting to enable/disable the day limit? This would allow any type of player to enjoy the game. 

In the adult game community I think most players enjoy more unlocking everything without a time limit tbh

I would buy the game glady but sadly the day limit is a major deal breaker for me and I'm sure I'm not alone on this so I really hope you agree on this small request. 

Best regards, nemure. 

Hello, thanks for the input. I'm glad you enjoyed some of it ^___^.

Sorry if the day mechanics is a deal breaker for you, but this game follows the formula of the Princess maker game/Volcano Princess/True Love games where you choose a main route (prostitute/journalist/stripper/etc) do a lot of side quests (become an alcoholic, an exhibitionist, a drug addict, a slave etc) reach an ending/die, and restart to see other routes/different events on a NG+ (with raised status and many different/hidden options).

The sequel won't have a day-limit, maybe you'll enjoy that one more. But for this game there is a reason for it, if you happen to play it I'm sure you'll find out.

I hope to see you again in the future :D

Hi, I was reading other comments and apparently the patreon version and later on steam has no time limit. Is a misunderstanding or game will indeed have no time limit in the paid version?

Hello, already answered your question, you might have not read it. You can play up to 90 days in the paid version, which is the final day. Then you get an ending based on your status/choices. The game resets, and you play a NG+ following other routes with increased status. (NG+ is not implemented yet).

Eventually (AFTER) you get the true ending, you'll be able to play WITHOUT the 90 day time-limit, so you can keep playing for as long as you want.  

*Lust & Hunger 2, the sequel will not follow the same mechanics, you will not have a time limit.

Understood. Thanks

is there any lesbian romances


Loving all the work you're doing. I can't wait for the exhibitionism to be expanded!

thank you, exhibitionism will be a major part in the game, like... dozens and dozens of scenes in different scenarios.

Good afternoon developers! I wanted to purchase a version without time limits. But unfortunately, developer support sites are blocked in my country. Can you tell me if I can get the full version anyway?


I was wondering in the future could there be a relationship route with a vampire fangirl? I think it would be interesting to have her not only be a source of blood but a relationship whereas the mc is dominant but she still loving.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello, that`s planned :)

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